How to Create a Roblox Account – Lately there is a trend of a new game that is loved by all circles, especially young children. The game is Roblox, in the game there are several other exciting games.

However, to be able to play the game, you must first have an account.

Here’s how to create a Roblox account easily as well as quickly:

How to Create a Roblox Account Easily

Download the App First

The first step to creating an account is to download the Roblox app first (Download Here).

As usual, the app can be directly downloaded on the Play Store. Make sure there is enough storage space for the app to download.

The downloading is also free and there is no charge whatsoever.

Wait for the download process to complete, so that it can be used smoothly. Not only on mobile phones, but it can also be used on a PC.

So, if you want to play more excitingly and fun. Players, can download it via their PC device.

Register Roblox Account

If the download process is complete, then players can immediately register. The purpose of such registration is to create an account. Well, that account will be used to log in to the game on Roblox.

So, even if it is already using another device. Players can still use the same account, so the latter game is not lost.

However, to create such an account must not be under the age of 13. If you are under that age, you must use the data of an older person.

It aims to avoid anything unexpected. To register this is also quite easy and simple.

Fill In The Correct Roblox Account Data

The next way to create a roblox account is to complete the existing data.

On the first page of the Roblox app, players will be faced with a column for logging in as well as registering. If you don’t have an account, then players can click the column or menu “Register.” Later, a few more columns will appear to be equipped.

After that, complete the data in the column provided. Try to complete the data correctly and honestly. Make sure all data is filled in completely and nothing is missed. The reason is, if it is missed, the system does not want to save it.

Create Roblox Account Password

If you have filled in all your personal data correctly, then the user must also create a password / password. The password is also required to be able to log into the Roblox gaming app. Create a Password that no one else can guess.

However, don’t also create a password that is complicated or not easy to remember. Because, just in case one day forgets.

Do not create a Password using the date of birth. However, make it using several combinations. For the combination used, it can be from numbers and letters or it can also be with several characters. It is to prevent the account from being hacked by others.

Roblox Account Verification

The final step in creating this Roblox account is to do the verification. Verification can be done via e-mail or phone number.

However, we recommend using e-mail only to make verification easier quickly. For the e-mail used must be exactly the same as the e-mail to sign up.

If so, then the application will send a verification code via email. Open the e-mail, then you can immediately click “Send.” Automatically, the account will do its own verification. With such, the account can already be used to play smoothly.

Let’s try it: Free Robux

Those are some ways to create a Roblox account that is very easy and fast. Follow the guidelines in order to properly create an account. One such account can be used on any device, which is important to remember with the e-mail and password.

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